Submit a Video

Select a Grade Grouping
Grades 6 - 8
Select a Film Category
MS Blockbuster
Video Name *
Upload Video *
(MP4 only, 2 GB max) Ensure the filename does not include any special characters
If you need assistance converting your video or compressing file size, contact Slick Rock

Student Information

First Name * Last Name *
School Name *

Advisor Information

First Name * Last Name *
Email *

Required Forms

Upload Forms Here

  1. As the student advisor, I certify that this entry is a product of original, student work. My role, and that of other non-students in support of this entry, was advisory only.
  2. The video entry has been reviewed for appropriate educational content and APPROVED by a school affiliate, principal or designee.
  3. The advisor has uploaded all required forms and will retain all “ORIGINAL” forms for the Slick Rock Student Film Festival which may include, but are not limited to, Image/Voice Releases, Location Contracts, Student Video Releases, and Media Releases. These forms can be found by clicking forms. If the forms are not provided, the video will be eliminated from the festival competition. FORMS MUST BE UPLOADED BY MARCH 15, 2024.
  4. Slick Rock Student Film Festival, in partnership with Tulare County Office of Education, reserves the right to eliminate inappropriate videos from the contest at its sole discretion. I understand that the video may be eliminated from the Slick Rock Student Film Festival at any time.
  5. All music in this entry is royalty-free or permission to use the copyrighted music has been granted by the copyright holder for this film to be distributed in a public marketplace. The permission form has been uploaded and the “ORIGINAL” is in our possession. Slick Rock Student Film Festival has the right to ask for these forms at any given time and if the forms are not provided, the video will be eliminated from the festival competition.
  6. All video entries become the property of Slick Rock Student Film Festival. By entering this contest you grant Slick Rock Student Film Festival a perpetual, royalty-free license to use your video in any media for commercial and non-commercial purposes. You grant Slick Rock Student Film Festival and all partner entities permission to edit, modify, format, or adapt your video.
  7. I understand that the awarding of all prizes is done at the sole discretion of the Slick Rock Student Film Festival.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Kathleen Green-Martins
Project Coordinator
(559) 737-6350